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PostGIS 2.1.0rc1 Released

The 2.1.0rc1 release of PostGIS is now available.

The PostGIS development team is proud to release a release candidate version of upcoming PostGIS 2.1.0. As befits a minor release, the focus is on speed improvements, more features, and bug fixes. We expect this to be the final release candidate before we officially release 2.1.0. We’d appreciate it if you test it before final release and report back with any issues you run into so we can have a smooth release.

If you are currently using PostGIS 2.0 (or 2.1.0 beta3) using extension support, you can go the soft upgrade path:

ALTER EXTENSION postgis UPDATE TO “2.1.0rc1”;

If you are running 2.1.0 of beta or an unreleased version (and the above step fails with error “extension postgis has no update path from version x.x.x to version 2.1.0rc1”) , you need to first copy the file in share\extensions\postgis–2.0.3–2.1.0rc1.sql and change the 2.0.3 to the x.x.x noted in the error you are running. Then follow the above upgrade step again.

Users of 1.5 and below will need to go the hard-upgrade path.

Best served with a bottle of GEOS 3.4.0dev and PostgreSQL 9.3beta2.

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PostGIS 2.1.0beta3 Released

The 2.1.0beta3 release of PostGIS is now available.

The PostGIS development team is proud to release a feature complete beta version of upcoming PostGIS 2.1.0. As befits a minor release, the focus is on speed improvements, more features, and bug fixes. While this beta release is feature complete, we expect some bugs and we’d appreciate it if you test it before final release and report back with any issues you run into so we can have a smooth release.

If you are currently using PostGIS 2.0+, you can go the soft upgrade path: ALTER EXTENSION postgis UPDATE TO “2.1.0beta3”;

Users of 1.5 and below will need to go the hard-upgrade path.

Best served with a bottle of GEOS 3.4.0dev and PostgreSQL 9.3beta2. (which will also be released soon)

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PostGIS 2.1.0beta2 Released

The 2.1.0beta2 release of PostGIS is now available.

The PostGIS development team is proud to release a feature complete beta version of upcoming PostGIS 2.1.0. As befits a minor release, the focus is on speed improvements, more features, and bug fixes. While this beta release is feature complete, we expect some bugs and we’d appreciate it if you test it before final release and report back with any issues you run into so we can have a smooth release.

If you are currently using PostGIS 2.0+, you can go the soft upgrade path: ALTER EXTENSION postgis UPDATE TO “2.1.0beta2”;

Users of 1.5 and below will need to go the hard-upgrade path.

Best served with a bottle of GEOS 3.4.0dev and PostgreSQL 9.3beta1. (which will also be released soon)

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PostGIS 1.5.8 Released

The 1.5.8 release of PostGIS is now available.

This is a bug fix release, addressing issues that have been filed since the 1.5.6 release. To go with the GEO 3.3.6 release, and to celebrate PostGIS day (and to get rid of an issue with wrong answers returned by ST_Within() and ST_CoveredBy()) we are pleased to bring you PostGIS 1.5.8.

Bug Fixes

  • #2048, ST_Within and ST_CoveredBy producing bad results
  • #2095, proj4 cache corrupted by projection error
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PostGIS 1.5.6 Released

The 1.5.6 release of PostGIS is now available.

This is a bug fix release, addressing issues that have been filed since the 1.5.5 release.

Bug Fixes

  • #547, ST_Contains memory problems, the remake
  • #1957, ST_Distance to a one-point LineString returns NULL
  • #1936, ST_GeomFromGML on CurvePolygon causes server crash
  • #1953, Segfault on GEOS calls with empty polygon
  • #1976, Geography point-in-ring code overhauled for more reliability
  • #2071, Add PgSQL 9.2 support
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Infoterra has been in the geospatial business for over 25 years, since its founding in 1980 as the UK National Remote Sensing Centre. In that time, NRSC grew, formed international partnerships with space agencies, expanded into aerial data collection, and was eventually privatized and re-named “Infoterra” in the late 1990s.

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