ST_Resample — Resample a raster using a specified resampling algorithm, new dimensions, an arbitrary grid corner and a set of raster georeferencing attributes defined or borrowed from another raster.
raster ST_Resample(
raster rast, integer width, integer height, double precision gridx=NULL, double precision gridy=NULL, double precision skewx=0, double precision skewy=0, text algorithm=NearestNeighbor, double precision maxerr=0.125)
raster ST_Resample(
raster rast, double precision scalex=0, double precision scaley=0, double precision gridx=NULL, double precision gridy=NULL, double precision skewx=0, double precision skewy=0, text algorithm=NearestNeighbor, double precision maxerr=0.125)
raster ST_Resample(
raster rast, raster ref, text algorithm=NearestNeighbor, double precision maxerr=0.125, boolean usescale=true)
raster ST_Resample(
raster rast, raster ref, boolean usescale, text algorithm=NearestNeighbor, double precision maxerr=0.125)
Resample a raster using a specified resampling algorithm, new dimensions (width & height), a grid corner (gridx & gridy) and a set of raster georeferencing attributes (scalex, scaley, skewx & skewy) defined or borrowed from another raster. If using a reference raster, the two rasters must have the same SRID.
New pixel values are computed using one of the following resampling algorithms:
NearestNeighbor (english or american spelling)
The default is NearestNeighbor which is the fastest but results in the worst interpolation.
A maxerror percent of 0.125 is used if no maxerr
is specified.
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Refer to: GDAL Warp resampling methods for more details. |
Availability: 2.0.0 Requires GDAL 1.6.1+
Enhanced: 3.4.0 max and min resampling options added
SELECT ST_Width(orig) AS orig_width, ST_Width(reduce_100) AS new_width FROM ( SELECT rast AS orig, ST_Resample(rast,100,100) AS reduce_100 FROM WHERE ST_Intersects(rast, ST_Transform( ST_MakeEnvelope(-71.128, 42.2392,-71.1277, 42.2397, 4326),26986) ) LIMIT 1 ) AS foo; orig_width | new_width ------------+------------- 200 | 100