
DropRasterConstraints — Drops PostGIS raster constraints that refer to a raster table column. Useful if you need to reload data or update your raster column data.


boolean DropRasterConstraints(name rasttable, name rastcolumn, boolean srid, boolean scale_x, boolean scale_y, boolean blocksize_x, boolean blocksize_y, boolean same_alignment, boolean regular_blocking, boolean num_bands=true, boolean pixel_types=true, boolean nodata_values=true, boolean out_db=true , boolean extent=true);

boolean DropRasterConstraints(name rastschema, name rasttable, name rastcolumn, boolean srid=true, boolean scale_x=true, boolean scale_y=true, boolean blocksize_x=true, boolean blocksize_y=true, boolean same_alignment=true, boolean regular_blocking=false, boolean num_bands=true, boolean pixel_types=true, boolean nodata_values=true, boolean out_db=true , boolean extent=true);

boolean DropRasterConstraints(name rastschema, name rasttable, name rastcolumn, text[] constraints);


Drops PostGIS raster constraints that refer to a raster table column that were added by AddRasterConstraints. Useful if you need to load more data or update your raster column data. You do not need to do this if you want to get rid of a raster table or a raster column.

To drop a raster table use the standard

DROP TABLE mytable

To drop just a raster column and leave the rest of the table, use standard SQL


the table will disappear from the raster_columns catalog if the column or table is dropped. However if only the constraints are dropped, the raster column will still be listed in the raster_columns catalog, but there will be no other information about it aside from the column name and table.

Disponibilidad: 2.0.0


SELECT DropRasterConstraints ('myrasters','rast');
----RESULT output ---

-- verify change in raster_columns --
SELECT srid, scale_x, scale_y, blocksize_x, blocksize_y, num_bands, pixel_types, nodata_values
    FROM raster_columns
    WHERE r_table_name = 'myrasters';

 srid | scale_x | scale_y | blocksize_x | blocksize_y | num_bands | pixel_types| nodata_values
    0 |         |         |             |             |           |             |

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