
ST_OffsetCurve — Returns an offset line at a given distance and side from an input line.


geometry ST_OffsetCurve(geometry line, float signed_distance, text style_parameters='');


Return an offset line at a given distance and side from an input line. All points of the returned geometries are not further than the given distance from the input geometry. Useful for computing parallel lines about a center line.

For positive distance the offset is on the left side of the input line and retains the same direction. For a negative distance it is on the right side and in the opposite direction.

Unidades de distância são medidas em unidades do sistema de referência espacial.

Note that output may be a MULTILINESTRING or EMPTY for some jigsaw-shaped input geometries.

O terceiro parâmetro opcional permite especificar uma lista de chave=valor em branco separados em pares para ajustar operações como segue:

  • 'quad_segs=#' : número de segmentos usado para aproximar um quarto de círculo (leva a 8).

  • 'join=round|mitre|bevel' : join style (padrão para "round"). 'miter' também é aceitado como sinônimo de 'mitre'.

  • 'mitre_limit=#.#' : mitre ratio limit (só afeta o estilo mitred join). 'miter_limit' também é aceito como sinônimo para 'mitre_limit'.

Desempenhado pelo módulo GEOS.

Behavior changed in GEOS 3.11 so offset curves now have the same direction as the input line, for both positive and negative offsets.

Disponibilidade: 2.0

Enhanced: 2.5 - added support for GEOMETRYCOLLECTION and MULTILINESTRING


This function ignores the Z dimension. It always gives a 2D result even when used on a 3D geometry.


Calcula um buffer aberto em volta das ruas

 ST_OffsetCurve(f.geom,  f.width/2, 'quad_segs=4 join=round'),
 ST_OffsetCurve(f.geom, -f.width/2, 'quad_segs=4 join=round')
) as track
FROM someroadstable;


15, 'quad_segs=4 join=round' original line and its offset 15 units.

SELECT ST_AsText(ST_OffsetCurve(ST_GeomFromText(
'LINESTRING(164 16,144 16,124 16,104 16,84 16,64 16,
    44 16,24 16,20 16,18 16,17 17,
    16 18,16 20,16 40,16 60,16 80,16 100,
    16 120,16 140,16 160,16 180,16 195)'),
    15, 'quad_segs=4 join=round'));


LINESTRING(164 1,18 1,12.2597485145237 2.1418070123307,
    7.39339828220179 5.39339828220179,
    5.39339828220179 7.39339828220179,
    2.14180701233067 12.2597485145237,1 18,1 195)

-15, 'quad_segs=4 join=round' original line and its offset -15 units

SELECT ST_AsText(ST_OffsetCurve(geom,
    -15, 'quad_segs=4 join=round')) As notsocurvy
    FROM ST_GeomFromText(
'LINESTRING(164 16,144 16,124 16,104 16,84 16,64 16,
    44 16,24 16,20 16,18 16,17 17,
    16 18,16 20,16 40,16 60,16 80,16 100,
    16 120,16 140,16 160,16 180,16 195)') As geom;


LINESTRING(31 195,31 31,164 31)

double-offset para ficar mais curvo, note que o primeiro reverte a direção, então -30 + 15 = -15

SELECT ST_AsText(ST_OffsetCurve(ST_OffsetCurve(geom,
    -30, 'quad_segs=4 join=round'), -15, 'quad_segs=4 join=round')) As morecurvy
    FROM ST_GeomFromText(
'LINESTRING(164 16,144 16,124 16,104 16,84 16,64 16,
    44 16,24 16,20 16,18 16,17 17,
    16 18,16 20,16 40,16 60,16 80,16 100,
    16 120,16 140,16 160,16 180,16 195)') As geom;


LINESTRING(164 31,46 31,40.2597485145236 32.1418070123307,
35.3933982822018 35.3933982822018,
32.1418070123307 40.2597485145237,31 46,31 195)

double-offset para ficar mais curvo, combinado com offset 15 para obter linhas paralelas. Coberto com o original.

SELECT ST_AsText(ST_Collect(
    ST_OffsetCurve(geom, 15, 'quad_segs=4 join=round'),
    -30, 'quad_segs=4 join=round'), -15, 'quad_segs=4 join=round')
) As parallel_curves
    FROM ST_GeomFromText(
'LINESTRING(164 16,144 16,124 16,104 16,84 16,64 16,
    44 16,24 16,20 16,18 16,17 17,
    16 18,16 20,16 40,16 60,16 80,16 100,
    16 120,16 140,16 160,16 180,16 195)') As geom;

parallel curves

MULTILINESTRING((164 1,18 1,12.2597485145237 2.1418070123307,
7.39339828220179 5.39339828220179,5.39339828220179 7.39339828220179,
2.14180701233067 12.2597485145237,1 18,1 195),
(164 31,46 31,40.2597485145236 32.1418070123307,35.3933982822018 35.3933982822018,
32.1418070123307 40.2597485145237,31 46,31 195))

15, 'quad_segs=4 join=bevel' mostrado com a linha original

SELECT ST_AsText(ST_OffsetCurve(ST_GeomFromText(
'LINESTRING(164 16,144 16,124 16,104 16,84 16,64 16,
    44 16,24 16,20 16,18 16,17 17,
    16 18,16 20,16 40,16 60,16 80,16 100,
    16 120,16 140,16 160,16 180,16 195)'),
        15, 'quad_segs=4 join=bevel'));


LINESTRING(164 1,18 1,7.39339828220179 5.39339828220179,
    5.39339828220179 7.39339828220179,1 18,1 195)

15,-15 collected, join=mitre mitre_limit=2.1

SELECT ST_AsText(ST_Collect(
    ST_OffsetCurve(geom, 15, 'quad_segs=4 join=mitre mitre_limit=2.2'),
    ST_OffsetCurve(geom, -15, 'quad_segs=4 join=mitre mitre_limit=2.2')
    ) )
    FROM ST_GeomFromText(
'LINESTRING(164 16,144 16,124 16,104 16,84 16,64 16,
    44 16,24 16,20 16,18 16,17 17,
    16 18,16 20,16 40,16 60,16 80,16 100,
    16 120,16 140,16 160,16 180,16 195)') As geom;


MULTILINESTRING((164 1,11.7867965644036 1,1 11.7867965644036,1 195),
    (31 195,31 31,164 31))

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