ST_GeomFromTWKB — Creates a geometry instance from a TWKB ("Tiny Well-Known Binary") geometry representation.
geometry ST_GeomFromTWKB(
bytea twkb)
The ST_GeomFromTWKB
function, takes a a TWKB ("Tiny Well-Known Binary") geometry representation (WKB) and creates an instance of the appropriate
geometry type.
SELECT ST_AsText(ST_GeomFromTWKB(ST_AsTWKB('LINESTRING(126 34, 127 35)'::geometry))); st_astext ----------------------------- LINESTRING(126 34, 127 35) (1 row) SELECT ST_AsEWKT( ST_GeomFromTWKB(E'\\x620002f7f40dbce4040105') ); st_asewkt ------------------------------------------------------ LINESTRING(-113.98 39.198,-113.981 39.195) (1 row)