toTopoGeom — Creates a new topo geometry from a simple geometry
topogeometry toTopoGeom(
geometry geom, varchar toponame, integer layer_id, float8 tolerance)
Creates a topogeometry object for layer denoted by layer_id and registers it in the relations table in the toponame
Topological primitives required to represent the input geometry will be added, possibly splitting existing ones. Pre-existing TopoGeometry objects will retain their shapes.
When tolerance
is given it will be used to snap the input geometry to existing primitives.
Availability: 2.0
This is a full self-contained workflow
-- do this if you don't have a topology setup already -- creates topology not allowing any tolerance SELECT topology.CreateTopology('topo_boston_test', 2249); -- create a new table CREATE TABLE nei_topo(gid serial primary key, nei varchar(30)); --add a topogeometry column to it SELECT topology.AddTopoGeometryColumn('topo_boston_test', 'public', 'nei_topo', 'topo', 'MULTIPOLYGON') As new_layer_id; new_layer_id ----------- 1 --use new layer id in populating the new topogeometry column -- we add the topogeoms to the new layer with 0 tolerance INSERT INTO nei_topo(nei, topo) SELECT nei, topology.toTopoGeom(geom, 'topo_boston_test', 1) FROM neighborhoods WHERE gid BETWEEN 1 and 15; --use to verify what has happened -- SELECT * FROM topology.TopologySummary('topo_boston_test'); -- summary-- Topology topo_boston_test (5), SRID 2249, precision 0 61 nodes, 87 edges, 35 faces, 15 topogeoms in 1 layers Layer 1, type Polygonal (3), 15 topogeoms Deploy: public.nei_topo.topo