
ST_Summary — Returns a text summary of the contents of the geometry.


text ST_Summary(geometry g);

text ST_Summary(geography g);


Returns a text summary of the contents of the geometry.

Flags shown square brackets after the geometry type have the following meaning:

  • M: has M ordinate

  • Z: has Z ordinate

  • B: has a cached bounding box

  • G: is geodetic (geography)

Availability: 1.2.2 - 2.0.0 added support for geography


=# SELECT ST_Summary(ST_GeomFromText('LINESTRING(0 0, 1 1)')) as geom,
        ST_Summary(ST_GeogFromText('POLYGON((0 0, 1 1, 1 2, 1 1, 0 0))')) geog;
            geom             |          geog    
 LineString[B] with 2 points | Polygon[BG] with 1 rings
                             :    ring 0 has 5 points
(1 row)

=# SELECT ST_Summary(ST_GeogFromText('LINESTRING(0 0 1, 1 1 1)')) As geog_line,
        ST_Summary(ST_GeomFromText('POLYGON((0 0 1, 1 1 2, 1 2 3, 1 1 1, 0 0 1))')) As geom_poly;
           geog_line           |        geom_poly
 LineString[ZBG] with 2 points | Polygon[ZB] with 1 rings
                               :    ring 0 has 5 points
(1 row)

See Also

PostGIS_DropBBox, PostGIS_AddBBox, ST_Force_3DM, ST_Force_3DZ, ST_Force_2D, geography

ST_IsValid, ST_IsValid, ST_IsValidReason, ST_IsValidDetail